I have been trained in the following therapies and am happy to use them to support you.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
Gary Craig developed EFT in the 1990s; it involves tapping points on the acupuncture meridians. Unresolved emotional issues have corresponding energy blocks in the meridian system. These blocks can be released while focussing on the issue and simultaneously tapping on a few points on the head and body.
Family Constellation Therapy
Family Constellation therapy was devised by Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist. In the same way as one is loyal to one’s own subconscious beliefs, this loyalty can extend to one’s family and ancestral beliefs.
When you were a baby you took on family beliefs in order to have a sense of belonging. These beliefs are often subconscious and can prevent you from living life to the full. They may stem from traumatic events in the lives of your parents, grandparents or even earlier ancestors, which were not fully accepted or resolved at the time.
For example, a constellation could reveal a strong identification with a grandmother whose mother had died in childbirth. This could result in infertility or difficulty giving birth because of unresolved emotions of guilt and fear within the family system. A family constellation helps to reveal the source of the problem and opens the possibility for healing and the release of stuck emotions.
See my website for further information about Family Constellation Therapy.
Craniosacral Therapy
I use craniosacral therapy to help your body to contact the deepest level at the core of your being. This is where there is always health, always peace and always joy. This is the home of the spirit and is where you are connected to your source. Contact and healing at this level naturally leads to healing at the physical, mental and emotional levels.
I trained at the Karuna Institute in Devon and have since trained with Mike Boxhall specialising in working with the spirit.
Breathwork / Rebirthing
Your body remembers your birth. The decisions you made at your birth could still be running your life, unless you have changed them. I can be your guide as you connect your breath and focus on life enhancing thoughts. This enables you to let go of limiting thoughts and embrace new ones that will truly serve you in your life and in creating the birth that you desire.
Nutrition & Kinesiology
A well nourished body will give birth more easily and recover more quickly. I am happy to advise you on diet and supplements, and can use kinesiology (muscle testing) to help find the most appropriate vitamins, minerals etc for you.
Homeopathy & Flower Essences
Pregnancy and birth are excellent times for using these safe yet powerful remedies. The scope is wide - from alleviating morning sickness to helping a breech baby to turn round. I will bring a Helios homeopathic birth kit to your baby’s birth for you to make use of. If you wish I can use kinesiology to help confirm the most appropriate remedy to use. Rescue remedy can be very helpful during labour, both for the birthing woman and for the birth supporters.
Infant Massage
I can teach you to massage your baby once he or she has arrived. This is a lovely way for you and your baby to get to know each other. Fathers often find this a beautiful way to bond with their baby.